Past Productions

King – October 2023


KING is the story of Saul and David, Israel’s first kings.  Historically accurate, entertaining and passionate, this performance will leave you breathless.  With its brilliant costumes, lively dances and surprising story line, KING is entertainment the whole family can enjoy together.  With songs like “He’s a Hero”, and “I Loved a Man”, come prepared to laugh, cry, then laugh some more as you experience the magic of this ancient story.

Poster Coming Soon!

Hadassah – 2023

As captives in a foreign land, Hadassah and her people are treated as second-class citizens. Mordecai, her cousin and adopted father, changes her name in order to conceal her Jewish heritage.

After the Persian queen, Vashti is banished, King Ahasurerus interviews all the most beautiful girls in the kingdom. He chooses Esther (Hadassah) as his new queen, unaware that she is Jewish.

Eventually she is able to play an important role in saving her people from the annihilation planned by wicked Haman, the prince who manipulates the king into making a deadly and unchangeable law.

Funny, suspenseful, full of fun and energy with songs like “Born to be a Eunuch,” “Riches, Spices and Perfumes”, and “They Call Me ‘Mr. Wonderful’”, this musical will make you laugh, cry, dream…and remember.

The Test – 2022

Testing, testing. At this moment we are all taking a test. From the day of our birth to the moment of our death every decision we make will be written down to be examined at its conclusion. Consequences of those decisions will affect our lives forever. Who will pass? Who will fail? Who will need help along the way?
Inez has lived her entire life on the wild side, and now she is facing death. She needs answers. Enter Chaplain Crisswell who gives her a Bible. Inez reads stories of Job, Job’s wife Hova,
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Jesus, and others who had to take “the test.” She also hears the story of Amir, a modern day Job.
Whenever a new story is presented, she goes into the imagination room, often interacting with the Biblical characters. In order to pass the test, Inez needs to make a major decision. There are unseen characters that try to influence her in this choice: Uta, her Undercover Terrestrial Angel, and Lou, the devil in disguise. She finally realizes she can’t pass the test without help, and asks for it. In doing so, the direction of her life changes drastically.
Poster Coming Soon!

The Vineyard – 2022

Israela, a beautiful girl, is dearly loved by Boss, the owner of a well-built vineyard. She is his one light in a darkened world. Boss gives her a very specific job: that of managing the vineyard during his upcoming absence. Upon his return they will celebrate together the beginning of a bright new era using the wine produced from the harvest.

Handing her a document, he explains that she will have a vital role in bringing light to the rest of the world. He arranges for two overseers and many vineyard workers to help her run the vineyard. He also asks Messenger to help her to understand the written plan.

Upon opening the document, Israela discovers that Boss is sending a Prince who will not only defeat the evil ruler of the dark world but will also liberate the many captives held in this dark world outside the vineyard.

The enemy, Reprobate, (a.k.a. Idolatry, Deceit, Watchman) does everything in his power to prevent Israela from fulfilling her assignment. Determined to take ownership of the vineyard, he manipulates and schemes, pitting one against the other. However, Israela finds a great friend and helper in the character of Kristina.

Devoutly in love with Redeemer, Kristina is radically changed by his unmerited love for her. Redeemer comes incognito to the Vineyard, accomplishes his assignment, and then returns home again. However, he promises to return at harvest time to claim his bride. Not realizing he is the promised Prince, Israela misses out on his first visit to the vineyard.

Meanwhile, Reprobate manages to convince Israela that he, as her enemy, is on Kristina’s side, while making Kristina believe that he represents Israela. However, Kristina and Israela finally compare notes and realize that Reprobate is the enemy of them both, and Boss and Redeemer as Father and Son, are unified. Together they eagerly await the coming of Redeemer and the beginning of his reign. The instigation of this event will be celebrated with a wedding banquet using the wine produced in the vineyard.

Allegorical to actual historical and prophetic events, this story is found in both the Old and New Testaments of the King James Version of the Bible. The main story can be found in Isaiah 5:1-7 and Matthew 20:1-16; 21:33-44.

Poster Coming Soon!